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  • Writer's pictureKiera Wassink

Week 3

Hey readers,

We’re coming to the end of our third week in Guatemala! Time is really flying by. This past week we had another week of spanish school while staying with our home stays. We’ve learned so much but still have so much to learn!

This week we had our first service day. Every Tuesday afternoon when we are with our host families we will be split up into groups and head out to various locations; the hospital, a job site, a school, etc to do some volunteer work. My group headed to Santa Lucía to meet a man named Holmar who had a vision to build a trades school and now he’s making it happen! We helped carry blocks, mix cement, did a bit of clean up, and finished the afternoon off with a game of soccer with some of the workers. It will be a great blessing for the trades school to be finished and opened so people can come to learn things like welding, carpentry, and culinary arts, and learning about the bible will also be able to be incorporated into the time these students will spend here!

Getting to spend a good chunk of time in one location over the past two weeks has given me a lot of time to be still and enjoy the presence of God. I’ve been pondering on what it means to truly be a disciple of Christ. I think it doesn’t just mean knowing about Jesus or remembering all the stories and words that he spoke, it also means acting as a reflection of him in our time here on earth. He asks us to bear fruit and to me that means showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in all circumstances no matter how hard that is to do. God has so much he still needs to teach me, but I’m finally at peace because I’m learning to listen to him.

On another note, today we are travelling to Panajachel to spend the weekend doing some fun activities! Then the following week is a work week where we will put our generous donations to use as we build a house for a family here in Guatemala. Please keep us in your prayers that everything runs smoothly and our work goes well!


Kiera & Noah

P.S. More pictures will be added soon!

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