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  • Writer's pictureKiera Wassink

Week 11

Hey guys,

We just came to the end of our second last week of the semester!! The time has gone by so fast, I’ll be sad to part ways from everyone for the month of December but I’m excited to get home and see friends and family!

Last weekend we stayed at a lodge on a farm in Pemberton, which was simply beautiful all around. On Saturday we went bungee jumping where fears were faced and ultimate excitement was reached. That afternoon and evening we wandered around a fancy plaza in Whistler where I got some wifi to get some pics up for you all! Then Sunday we did a 20km hike up a mountain to a breathtaking view of a lake with gorgeous blue water and fresh mountain air.

Monday afternoon we made the five hour journey back to Camp Squeah where we took on the camp staff in a soccer game.. they won as they usually do each year. The next night we had our Christmas banquet where the kitchen staff prepared us a beautiful meal! We then did our $5 Christmas gift exchange and competed in making ginger bread houses.

We had our debrief week this past week which included sessions where each student and leader told the story of their experience or how they have grown from this semester. A few of the students really struggled through the semester, but we have all made it to the end with flying colours! In my story I talked about the challenges in life and how the trials we go through really suck in the moment, but without struggles there cannot be growth and development. One of my favourite verses really ties in with this; James 1:2-3 “Consider it pure joy brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance”. Sometimes I feel like all I do is wrestle with God, but I think in a way this has made my faith stronger and continuously teaches me to put my trust in the One who loves me.

On Sunday we ended our time at Camp Squeah by going to an old railroad track path through some tunnels. On Monday we did another long travel day back to Alberta and are staying in Banff at a hotel for the last few days of the semester. I can't believe we fly home to Nova Scotia on Friday!! Read the next blog for all the details on the adventures we will do this week!

Thanks for reading,

Kiera & Noah

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